Friday 4 January 2013

How to improve you positive thinking...♥

This quote is by Marilyn Monroe in case you guys are wondering.... This quote actually happens in your life when you start talking, thinking and acting positive... When someone knocks you down.., just roll over and play on the ground...Take it as a lesson to learn. Everyone has that really HORIBBLE day, but it's a lesson that God wants us to learn...That we might have 1 day of horribleness....but other people might be suffering from starvation, or poverty or being homeless...You don't have to get an Ipad or a phone or facebook to fit in,.....Just tell your group...I have a home like you, food like you, water like you, blanket like you, bed like you...I go to school like you.... There is a lot of comparison......If you have a shelter, food and water...It doesn't make you different from people who are in your group....If you're bigger than them....Think about it like this.... " God couldn't put my personality in a skinny body"..Or if you want to be realistic.......Here's the truth, there are two types of body's.....A friend of yours who eats a lot but doesn't put on weight and is skinny....And there is the other body which is actually skinny but the BONES are big, not the person itself...Don't be insecure about yourself because when your positive with how you look and how you are..., People will also see that...That's why that girl is popular...She's positive(proud) about herself...YOU be that girl but don't be proud about yourself....Be THANKFUL...I'm here for you

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