Thursday 3 January 2013


Hi Everyone,
My name is Sharwini. I created this blog for many people who feel left out in life and feel like their misfits.... Truth is're not ....Those people who push you out and bully you,.....Well THEIR misfits....God created each and everyone of you in a special way...Even twins are not exactly alike..... God took the time to make you and create every stunning feature that you own...... If God loves that ..., What are other humans to judge??? You are beautiful no matter what anyone says because your 1 in 7 billion people.... I'm not saying that you have to be perfect ..... Just do what you think is right....What you think is the honest, good and right decision/thing to do....Because if you do everything good...Those people who judge you are the stupid ones... Don't take up bad habits such as smoking...Because if you feel that smoking will make you fit're totally wrong...... Who says that you have to smoke or drink just to fit in to a crowd.... You people might be thinking..."Oh how many people must say the same thing over and over again??" But I'm saying from point of view...Keep in touch with my other posts and don't worry...If you need anything at all... I'm here for you
♥♥♥ Sharwini

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